jdx / tmux-weather

Show weather in tmux status line. No powerline needed.
ISC License
34 stars 1 forks source link

Setup instructions? #1

Open cmdcolin opened 7 years ago

cmdcolin commented 7 years ago

Not sure if it was just my experience but there were a couple of snags that I hit during setup:

cmdcolin commented 7 years ago

I have devised a ansiweather approach to this that might be a little simpler. I definitely imagine a forecast.io setup could be pretty sweet though, just adding this in case anyone stumbles across it...

My tmux.conf

set -g status-bg colour32
set -g status-fg colour253
set -g status-interval 100
set -g status-left '#(ansiweather -a false)'
set -g status-left-length 100
geezuh commented 7 years ago

to add on to cmdcolin's solution, i made a wrapper script to make a nice concise format

ansiweather -l 75214 -u imperial -a false -w false -h false -p false -d f alse | awk -F" " '{ print $8 $6 $7}' | sed -e "s/F//"