jean-emmanuel / open-stage-control

Libre and modular OSC / MIDI controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Simple Change Color from JS #811

Closed grassinicristiano closed 1 year ago

grassinicristiano commented 1 year ago

Hi Jean-emmanuel,

I've my "mainScript" very easy:

var n = (get('MainScript').toFixed(3)*1000) if (n !== 0) { setInterval(function () { n=n-100 var date = new Date(0) date.setSeconds(((n/1000)).toFixed(0)) var timeString = date.toISOString().substring(11, 19); set('timeDisplay', timeString); set('messageArea', "");

            // tempo 0 esce dal loop
          if (n <= 0) {
            set('timeDisplay', "--:--:--");
            set('messageArea', 'Completed!');

        }, 100)


else { clearInterval();

set('messageArea', 'Stopped by User or 0 time cue') set('timeDisplay', "--:--:--"); set('currentCue', "None...");


There'a way to change text color of widget "timeDisplay" when "n"<somevalue?



jean-emmanuel commented 1 year ago

Hi, Please use the forum for usage questions, this place is to be preferred for bug reports. (providing a bit more context should also help users to help you)

grassinicristiano commented 1 year ago

Sorry, thank you