jean997 / cause

R package for CAUSE
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Argument list too long #47

Closed 931902655 closed 7 months ago

931902655 commented 7 months ago

Hi jean! I encountered this problem after running

X_clump <- X %>%
  rename(rsid = snp,
         pval = p1) %>%
  ieugwasr::ld_clump(dat = .,
                     clump_r2 = r2_thresh,
                     clump_p = pval_thresh,
                     plink_bin = "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/plinkbinr/bin/plink_Linux", 
                     bfile = "/home/vee/code/pakage/EUR/EUR")

the following pic is the error 2b9119749f0178652a79bd731695fed Can you tell me how solve this problem? Thank you very much. Best regards.

jean997 commented 7 months ago

your error is coming from the ieugwasr package and not the CAUSE package so you should post this there:

All I can tell you is that ld clumping failed. I would start by checking these things:

Look at the examples in the ieugwasr documentation and if you are still getting errors, post an issue on the ieugwasr issues page.