jeancarl / node-red-contrib-tjbot

Node-RED nodes that can be used with the TJBot running on a Raspberry Pi.
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Add support for Watson service endpoints #11

Open jeancarl opened 5 years ago

jeancarl commented 5 years ago

Only the default Dallas location for the Watson service endpoint is currently supported by the nodes. Add support for other Watson service endpoints listed below via a companion select box for each API key input.

Watson Assistant (

Language Translator (

Speech to Text (

Text to Speech (

Tone Analyzer (

chunyianliew commented 4 years ago

IBM Changed has the end point again for newly created AI services:

In the example given in the above page you can see that the URL of the endpoint is now including a instance reference:

Next to that, two additional locations have become available for the Visual Recognition Service next to Dallas: Frankfurt and Seoul. See for more information.

Wouldn't it be easier to just allow the configuration of the End Point URL's as a simple open text fields instead of pre-configured picklist listing the available locations?