Closed deeeep closed 6 years ago
Just changing the code does nothing... but when I try to add a field to the config.html and config.js the whole flow explodes and does not load anymore…
I already have this solved, would you give me permission to create a branch and send my pull request? I also updated the core dependency tjbot
lgbaeza, Could you tell me a solution for this issue? It is appreciated if you describe that on this thread.
IAM API key support has been implemented for all the Watson services. Issue should be fixed.
I can not get the TJbot to use the See module in NodeRed due to a change in the underlying APIkey….
My gut feeling: change the tjbot.js file with this: on this file: /home/pi/.node-red/nodes/node-red-contrib-tjbot/node_modules/tjbot/lib/tjbot.js
but I have a feeling that the interface for the APIkey also needs to be adjusted or a field added for the IAM_APIkey…. Where do I do this?
Regards Deepak