jeancarl / node-red-contrib-virtual-tjbot

Virtual TJBot Node-RED nodes
Apache License 2.0
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Error for listen node #2

Open mshaz opened 5 years ago

mshaz commented 5 years ago


Hi I need help. Other nodes are working but the listen node is not. It gave such error in the picture when i click deploy button.

I put the API correctly and the mic is working when tested using terminal command.

Thank you.

jeancarl commented 5 years ago

This was caused by a bug in the config node that wasn't reading the API key field correctly. This has been fixed in 0.1.5.

Update the package. You may also need to recreate (delete and create) the configuration of the virtual TJBot profile and re-enter the API keys.

Please confirm this resolves the issue.

mshaz commented 5 years ago

Hi thanks for replying,

I use and install frm the nodered palette. Am using free plan speech to text watson API. Do i have to pay?

Error still not resolved.

Thank you

jeancarl commented 5 years ago

Version 0.2.0 added additional error checking. Please let me know if this fixes the problem you've reported.

Per your question of using the service: a Lite Plan (no charge) instance of the Speech to Text service is capped at 100 free minutes of input audio. Your Lite Plan instance will be deleted after 30 days of inactivity.