jeanguyomarch / eovim

The Enlightened Neovim
MIT License
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Could you please accept cursor changes #4

Closed francoisGuerret closed 6 years ago

francoisGuerret commented 6 years ago

for example, support

  highlight Cursor guifg=white guibg=steelblue
  highlight iCursor guifg=red guibg=red
  set guicursor=n-v-c:block-Cursor
  set guicursor+=i:ver20-iCursor
jeanguyomarch commented 6 years ago

I actually don't know how to support the colors... I can receive the highlight group from neovim, but that's an identifier (e.g. 48, 377), and I have not found (yet?) a mean to convert this value to an actual color.

jeanguyomarch commented 6 years ago

For reference, this allows to get the color from an ID, but it requieres eovim to send and interpret the result of a nvim command:

:echo synIDattr( id, "bg#")  " or fg#, which ouputs things like #528bff