jeanharb / option_critic

Implementation of the Option-Critic Architecture on the Atari (ALE) environment
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The Option-Critic Architecture Reproduction Process #1

Open cardwing opened 7 years ago

cardwing commented 7 years ago

Currently, I have reproduced the result with great efforts. Here are some notes of the main installation process:

  1. install ubuntu 14.04
  2. "sudo apt-get update", "sudo apt-get upgrade" after installing the system
  3. install nvidia driver (use .run package, "sudo service lightdm stop", blacklist the nouveau driver, exit nano linux)
  4. test if nvidia driver is installed successfully ("nvidia-smi")
  5. install cuda toolkit (use .run package, 7.5 recommended) and cudnn tookit (5.0 recommended)
  6. test if cuda is installed successfully (use sample test, "./deviceQuery")
  7. install anaconda package (check whether anaconda has covered the original python in ubuntu after installing)
  8. "conda install" the following packages one by one (some of these packages have conflicting dependencies) numpy theano (0.9.0) lasagne launcher argparse Arcade Learning Environment (install it in the /home/username/anaconda2/envs/, then follow the instructions on github []) matplotlib cv2 (opencv) pylearn2 (use GPU in theano)
  9. fix downsample error []
  10. set up a package called 'aleroms' along with the package 'option_critic-master' and put the corresponding .bin file in it []
  11. follow the instructions []

If you have any questions, feel free to send e-mails to Regards, Cardwing

dkkim93 commented 6 years ago

I was also able to compile and run programs with the recent version of theano and lasagne.

sudo pip install git+git:// --upgrade --no-deps
sudo pip install --upgrade --no-deps

Please note that the ~/.theanorc would be required.