jeapostrophe / racket-langserver

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Semantic coloring #3

Open dvc94ch opened 6 years ago

dvc94ch commented 6 years ago

A proposal for LSP is in the works. theia-ide/theia#1845 Here someone implemented the hack I initially proposed

Eugleo commented 4 years ago

@jeapostrophe I think the LSP has already included semantic coloring, see link to VSCode docs. It would be cool to have something like this, regexes aren't very good for things like quasiquotes or macros.

EDIT: Scratch that, it's still in the works. Maybe it's indeed better to wait till the proposal is merged.

mlavrent commented 3 years ago

Once that's added (if it is), here's some resources on how to get the colorer from the #lang. You probably want to get the language info using:

(define lang-info (read-language (open-input-string (send doc-text get-text))))
(lang-info 'color-lexer #f)

The relevant docs can be found here.

Based on this comment it seems the current 3.16 version of the LSP supports semantic coloring. I'm going to take a look into doing this and see if we can add this, since I think it's necessary to do coloring on the server side to support custom #langs.

6cdh commented 1 year ago

I'm interested in implement semantic tokens recently.

For convenience, all tokens in specification.

The meaning of tokens are be found at vscode's doc

These are my rough idea:


Supported Tokens

The following tokens will be supported

token information source
variable read/syntax (symbol) and syncheck:add-text-type
comment scan visible characters that can't read by read/syntax (comment)
string read/syntax (string)
number read/syntax (number)
regexp read/syntax (regexp or pregexp)
?? keyword #:keyword
parameter manually walk syntax object
function manually walk syntax object
struct manually walk syntax object
class manually walk syntax object

EDITED: use read/syntax instead of lexer


modifiers information source
definition drracket syncheck:add-definition-target


method support
full Yes
full/delta Yes
range Yes
refresh Yes

EDITED: should support refresh response


I wrote a simple prototype: snippet

Note in this prototype, I used read/syntax not lexer, it don't recognize comments.


racket pt.rkt filename

Then it will print the tokens and their information in the order that they appear in the file.