jeapostrophe / racket-langserver

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textDocument/signatureHelp not working #91

Open dalanicolai opened 1 year ago

dalanicolai commented 1 year ago

I am not sure if the title of this issue is 'correct', but, because the README mentions 'Signature help' support, I am expecting to see signature help, while I can not discover it anywhere. I have tried using the server in vscode, and with lsp-mode and eglot on Emacs, but nowhere I could discover the signature help. So now I am wondering if the feature is working correctly. Therefore, I am opening this issue, to ask you if you could confirm that it is working correctly. In that case, could you give a hint on how it should/I should get it to work?

If it is not working correctly, then it is probably nice for others to find this issue here (and for you to know about it). Of course, I am happy to provide any required info about the problem (e.g. server logs).

Sorry, for using this space as 'informal' support, but I figured it would make more sense to mention this here than e.g. on SO.

Anyway, thanks for the great work!

6cdh commented 1 year ago

It should works. But the server need some seconds (4s on my 5 years old laptop) to start. After that, try to insert some text, for example:

#lang racket

(for |

At the | position, you will get signature help.