jeapostrophe / racket-langserver

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fix range/formatting #92

Closed 6cdh closed 1 year ago

6cdh commented 1 year ago

The commit 99c60e0d78e8cdec50da0f4b9e3aecfe94e4624d didn't really fix the problem. It fixed the issue of neovim, but produced another issue that ignore the last line of a file on vscode.

That's because I thought end-line is exclusive for formatting. But it is not sometimes.

The following example returns end-line of 3 files, respectively.

#lang racket

(require racket/gui/base)

(let ([text (new text%)])
  ;; non-unix os 2 lines file
  (send text insert "0\n1" 0)
  (define end-pos (send text last-position))
  (send text position-paragraph end-pos))

(let ([text (new text%)])
  ;; unix os 2 lines file
  (send text insert "0\n1\n" 0)
  (define end-pos (send text last-position))
  (send text position-paragraph end-pos))

(let ([text (new text%)])
  ;; non-unix os 3 lines file
  (send text insert "0\n1\n2" 0)
  (define end-pos (send text last-position))
  (send text position-paragraph end-pos))

it returns


That means, end-line is exclusive for unix style text file (the file ends with a newline), but inclusive for non-unix style text file (the file not ends with a newline). Neovim save files in unix style, but vscode save files in non-unix style by default.

The new definition of end-line is always inclusive. I've tested on neovim and vscode, they works fine currently.

jeapostrophe commented 1 year ago

Excellent, thank you!