jebena / jebena-python-client

Simple Python Client for the Jebena API Server
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Support for Jebena Trace ID; fix for Python2 Logging setups #19

Closed jpotter closed 3 years ago

jpotter commented 3 years ago

This fixes #16 (for a second time) and addresses #18.

Python Logging

The issue appears to be related to python2 envs that already have logging configured. After some investigation, the cleanest way I can find to check this condition is to see if the root logger has any handlers attached to it (i.e. stream writers or file writers). If no handlers; logging not configured.

This PR updates the client to call a function, __get_logger, that can lazy-load the logger and configure it accordingly. This allows the jebenaclient to be imported before other parts of the python system may have triggered their logging config.

Jebena Trace ID

Developers wanting to fetch the Jebena Trace ID of the most recent call to run_query() can now do so by calling jebenaclient.get_last_run_trace_id() -- simple enough. This should work after a failed GQL call as well, i.e. calling something like this:

import jebenaclient
   jebenaclient.run_query("some bad query")
except jebenaclient.JebenaCliGQLException:
   print("Failed to run query for trace id %s" % jebenaclient.get_last_run_trace_id())

yields this -- note the very last line.

ERROR:jebenaclient:GQL response includes an error. Part of the query may have succeeded.
 *** The original query was:
'some bad query'

 *** The full response was:
{   u'data': None,
    u'errors': [   {   u'locations': [{   u'column': 1, u'line': 1}],
                       u'message': u'Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Unexpected Name "some"\n\n1: some bad query\n   ^\n'}]}

ERROR:jebenaclient: *** GQL error #1: Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Unexpected Name "some"

1: some bad query

ERROR:jebenaclient:For GraphQL schema, see Docs tab at
Failed to run query for trace id J-2ddadfe8-4732-01750