jech / galene

The Galène videoconference server
MIT License
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Some devices not recognized #107

Closed remyd1 closed 2 years ago

remyd1 commented 2 years ago


First of all, thank you for this great software. We are using it from more than 6 months now.

However, I have some issues with some client's microphones (it is not working). I do not know why, but these devices are working fine on other WebRTC solutions like BBB or jitsi. Unfortunately, it will be difficult to test it again, because I am not the client with these issues (and those clients are not nearby...).

My Galène version is the one from the commit 5beb13b21aa2d4d62467a19a92dfbe3f223bfe03, on branch master (August the 24th).

I am using Galène with a Nginx reverse proxy and a public IPv4 address. It works fine for the vast majority of people.

Here is what the error I get from the logs (I replaced the IP address with "IP.IP.IP.IP" and repeated messages with "..."); last week:

journalctl -u galene.service  --since "2021-09-10 08:00:00" --until "2021-09-10 11:00"
-- Logs begin at Fri 2021-09-03 09:28:21 CEST, end at Fri 2021-09-17 09:45:54 CEST. --
sept. 10 09:28:25 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:28:25 Relay test successful in 16.107192ms, RTT = 523.539µs
sept. 10 09:31:06 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:31:06 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:31:35 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:31:35 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:31:47 galene galene[479]: turn ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:31:47 error when handling datagram: failed to handle Allocate-request from relay alr
sept. 10 09:32:54 galene galene[479]: turn ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:32:54 error when handling datagram: failed to handle Allocate-request from relay alrea
sept. 10 09:34:03 galene galene[479]: pc ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:34:03 Incoming unhandled RTP ssrc(197347545), OnTrack will not be fired. incoming SSRC failed Simulcast prob
sept. 10 09:34:06 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:34:06 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:34:15 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:34:15 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:34:51 galene galene[479]: turn ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:34:51 error when handling datagram: failed to handle Allocate-request from relay alr
sept. 10 09:35:38 galene galene[479]: turn ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:35:38 error when handling datagram: failed to handle Allocate-request from relay alr
sept. 10 09:35:54 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:35:54 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:36:04 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:36:04 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:36:04 galene galene[479]: turn ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:36:04 error when handling datagram: failed to handle ChannelBind-request from IP.IP.IP.IP:41102: no all
sept. 10 09:36:04 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:36:04 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:36:04 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:36:04 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:36:09 galene galene[479]: turn ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:36:09 error when handling datagram: failed to handle Allocate-request from relay alread
sept. 10 09:37:42 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:37:42 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:38:16 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:38:16 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:39:22 galene galene[479]: turn ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:39:22 error when handling datagram: failed to handle Allocate-request from relay alr
sept. 10 09:43:05 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:43:05 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:43:05 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/10 09:43:05 Replace: file does not exist
sept. 10 09:52:30 galene galene[479]: turn ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:52:30 Failed to send ChannelData from allocation 
sept. 10 09:52:48 galene galene[479]: turn ERROR: 2021/09/10 09:52:48 Failed to send ChannelData from allocation IP.IP.IP.IP:39603 write tcp4 IP.IP.IP.IP:1194->37.1


journalctl -u galene.service  --since today
sept. 17 04:31:59 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/17 04:31:59 http: TLS handshake error from IP.IP.IP.IP:45100: read tcp IP.IP.IP.IP:8443->IP.IP.IP.IP:45100: read: conne
sept. 17 09:28:25 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/17 09:28:25 Relay test successful in 22.89748ms, RTT = 265.523µs
sept. 17 09:37:26 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/17 09:37:26 Got track with empty id
sept. 17 09:37:26 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/17 09:37:26 Got track with empty msid
sept. 17 09:37:26 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/17 09:37:26 Got track with empty id
sept. 17 09:37:26 galene galene[479]: 2021/09/17 09:37:26 Got track with empty msid


Best regards, Rémy

jech commented 2 years ago

Galene does not manipulate directly the devices, it just exports whatever the browser gives to it. If some devices are missing, it probably means that the client has not granted the required permissions to Galene.

Please ask the client whether the devices become available after he has hit « Enable »; if that's the case, then it's the browser denying access to the microphones before camera/microphone permissions have been granted.

jech commented 2 years ago

Please reopen if you can give further information.