jech / galene

The Galène videoconference server
MIT License
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Not being able to see others video/audio, revival #137

Closed pjmkrpg closed 2 years ago

pjmkrpg commented 2 years ago

Galène used to work perfectly on my debian 11.2 server but now by reusing it after several months of inactivity (no clue about what could have happened in the meantime), I obtain the same problem as #86 : each user can only see his own video/screen/audio, the others appear in black. Test was between firefox for linux and firefox for android. I launch the server with ./galene -turn my.public.ip:1194 -udp-range 8000-8020 and it says

2022/03/17 19:16:23 Starting built-in TURN server on my.public.ip:1194
2022/03/17 19:16:24 Relay test successful in 32.820282ms, RTT = 356.298µs

Netcat gives the following output

$ nc -v 1194
Connection to (my.public.ip) 1194 port [tcp/openvpn] succeeded!

Typing /relay-test in the chat answers Relay test failed: Error: timeout. In my freebox parameters the following redirections are active

8443(tcp,udp) -> server
1194(tcp,udp) -> server
8000:8020 (udp) -> server

The corresponding ports are of course allowed by ufw on the server. Could you help me?

jech commented 2 years ago
$ nc -v 1194
Connection to (my.public.ip) 1194 port [tcp/openvpn] succeeded!

From inside or outside the network?

pjmkrpg commented 2 years ago

From outside. Inside the network I obtain

$ nc -v 1194
DNS fwd/rev mismatch: != [my.public.ip] 1194 (openvpn) open
jech commented 2 years ago

That's very weird.

Please confirm that you can connect to port 1194. Stop Galene, then on the server that usually runs Galene do:

nc -l -p 1194

From outside the network, do echo 1234 | nc ..., and type a few lines; you should see the instance of nc running inside the network display the string.

pjmkrpg commented 2 years ago

I confirm that strings sent with nc from outside the network are perfectly echoed by nc listening on port 1194.

jech commented 2 years ago

I'm at a loss here. The failure in /relay-test indicates that the TURN server could not be reached, or that it doesn't work. Yet, your test indicates that the TURN port is open from the outside.

jech commented 2 years ago

Seems like a local configuration issue, the mailing list is a better place to discuss such problems. Please reopen if you feel this is a bug in Galene.