jech / galene

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JWT token authentication fails #151

Closed printpagestopdf closed 1 year ago

printpagestopdf commented 1 year ago

Tried to set up an authPortal, but token interpretation at the galene server always fails with: Token authentication: illegal base64 data at input byte 38 using the key from your example: "authKeys": [{ "kty": "oct", "alg": "HS256", "k": "MYz3IfCq4Yq-UmPdNqWEOdPl4C_m9imHHs9uve#DUJGQ", "kid": "20211030" }],

Double checked the token by and all seems to be ok.

I found some similar error reports when using go jwk library, but not sure if this is connected.

jech commented 1 year ago

Are you sure that you're not double-encoding the token? As in doing URL-encoding of the token twice?

Also, could you please provide the token?

printpagestopdf commented 1 year ago

Sorry, forgot the token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJycnVzZXIiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZ2FsZW5lLnNlcnZlci50c3Q6ODAwOFwvZ3JvdXBcL2V4dFwvIiwicGVybWlzc2lvbnMiOlsicHJlc2VudCJdLCJpYXQiOjE2NzEyMjUxMTcsImV4cCI6MTY3MTIyODcxNywiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6XC9cL2F1dGguZXhhbXBsZS5vcmcifQ.mIp1tTkp2DF0UKTh8dztV6JbSpfn7ev22v9YFFKj1f0

I used this as it is here as url arg ?token=

For generating the token I was using a PHP library ReallySimpleJWT, but tried it although with the python jwt

jech commented 1 year ago


The # sign is not allowed in Base64. I think you made a mistake when you copied the key.

printpagestopdf commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the fast answer!

It's funny, I followed this rule: (so yes, I changed the key from your example slightly) not sure if the security consideration that is mentione is correct?

But validates it as correct.

Or am I absolutely wrong? Is the "k": .... the secret in base64 ???

jech commented 1 year ago

Is the "k": .... the secret in base64 ???

Yes. See RFC 7518 Section 6.4.1:

The "k" (key value) parameter contains the value of the symmetric (or other single-valued) key. It is represented as the base64url encoding of the octet sequence containing the key value.

User-provided passphrases tend to be weak. For shared tokens between servers, it is better to generate the secrets using a strong random number generator. The jose utility can be used to do that:

jose jwk gen -i '{"alg": "HS256"}'

If you think it's useful, I can write a utility to generate suitable keys and include it with Galene.

printpagestopdf commented 1 year ago

Great, that was my fault and solves my Problem!

(I am able to read, but I probably reading the wrong things =) )