jech / galene

The Galène videoconference server
MIT License
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Build gitlab #156

Closed GayLaurent closed 1 year ago

GayLaurent commented 1 year ago

I propose my script to build Galène with Gitlab CI. Maybe, a day, Galène team move sources from github to a opensource tool like Gitlab CE ;) .

jech commented 1 year ago

I propose my script to build Galène with Gitlab CI.

Galene is easy to build locally (go build), and is easy to cross-compile. So I don't see why moving the build process into the cloud is an improvement. Could you please clarify what problem you are trying to solve?

Maybe, a day, Galène team move sources from github to a opensource tool like Gitlab CE ;) .

That's a difficult issue. In a previous life, I used to avoid the cloud: I was hosting software locally, avoiding the use of proprietary bug trackers, and requiring all discussions to happen on the mailing list.

The result was that people did not submit bug reports (too busy to register on another bug tracker), they did not contribute (unable to configure git to send patches to the mailing list). In extreme cases, people were trolling that my software is not open source (it's not on github, so it must be proprietary).

I'm now applying a compromise: the source is in git, and therefore stored locally in hundreds of local repositories, thus invulnerable to Git going rogue. On the other hand, the website is self-hosted, and I encourage discussions to go to the self-hosted mailing list (, in preference to Github, but I do answer on Github. (By the way, I encourage you to continue this discussion on the mailing list in preference to Github or any other could-based system.)

As all compromises, it doesn't satisfy everyone: some people criticise me for using a self-hosted website rather than Github pages, while others give me flak for using Microsoft-owned Github for the bug tracker and for Git hosting. But it works reasonably well.