jech / polipo

The Polipo caching HTTP proxy
MIT License
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Nothings persisted in cache folder #111

Closed Alsan closed 3 years ago

Alsan commented 3 years ago

I'm tring to build a "download server" for our offline development environment. I'm try polipo, the cache ability is impressive, but I can't see any cached object inside the diskCacheRoot, here is my configuration:

configFile                                 /etc/polipo/config                                                Configuration file.
CHUNK_SIZE                                 8192                                                              Unit of chunk memory allocation.
allowUnalignedRangeRequests     boolean    false                                                             Allow unaligned range requests (unreliable).
allowedClients                  list       (not set)                                                         Networks from which clients are allowed to connect.
allowedPorts                    intlist    80-100, 1024-65535                                                Ports to which connections are allowed.
alwaysAddNoTransform            boolean    false                                                             If true, add a no-transform directive to all requests.
authCredentials                 atom       (hidden)                                                          username:password.
authRealm                       atom       (none)                                                            Authentication realm.
bigBufferSize                   integer    32768                                                             Size of big buffers (max size of headers).
cacheIsShared                   boolean    false                                                             If false, ignore s-maxage and private.
censorReferer                   tristate   false                                                             Censor referer headers.
censoredHeaders                 list       (empty list)                                                      Headers to censor.
chunkCriticalMark               integer    802816                                                            Critical mark for chunk memory (0 = auto).
chunkHighMark                   integer    819200                                                            High mark for chunk memory.
chunkLowMark                    integer    614400                                                            Low mark for chunk memory (0 = auto).
clientTimeout                   time       2m                                                                Client-side timeout.
daemonise                       boolean    false                                                             Run as a daemon
disableConfiguration            boolean    false                                                             Disable reconfiguring Polipo2 at runtime.
disableIndexing                 boolean    true                                                              Disable indexing of the local cache.
disableLocalInterface           boolean    false                                                             Disable the local configuration pages.
disableProxy                    boolean    false                                                             Whether to be a web server only.
disableServersList              boolean    true                                                              Disable the list of known servers.
disableVia                      boolean    true                                                              Don't use Via headers.
diskCacheDirectoryPermissions   integer    0700                                                              Access rights for new directories.
diskCacheFilePermissions        integer    0600                                                              Access rights for new cache files.
diskCacheRoot                   atom       /home/alsan/.polipo2-cache/                                       Root of the disk cache.
diskCacheTruncateSize           integer    1048576                                                           Size to which on-disk objects are truncated.
diskCacheTruncateTime           time       4d12h                                                             Time after which on-disk objects are truncated.
diskCacheUnlinkTime             time       32d                                                               Time after which on-disk objects are removed.
diskCacheWriteoutOnClose        integer    65536                                                             Number of bytes to write out eagerly.
displayName                     atom       Polipo2                                                           Server name displayed on error pages.
dnsGethostbynameTtl             time       20m                                                               TTL for gethostbyname addresses.
dnsMaxTimeout                   time       1m                                                                Max timeout for DNS queries.
dnsNameServer                   atom                                                        The name server to use.
dnsNameServerPort               integer    53                                                                The name server port to use.
dnsNegativeTtl                  time       2m                                                                TTL for negative DNS replies with no TTL.
dnsQueryIPv6                    4-state    happily                                                           Query for IPv6 addresses.
dnsUseGethostbyname             4-state    reluctantly                                                       Use the system resolver.
dontCacheCookies                boolean    false                                                             Work around cachable cookies.
dontCacheRedirects              boolean    false                                                             If true, don't cache redirects.
dontTrustVaryETag               tristate   maybe                                                             Whether to trust the ETag when there's Vary.
expectContinue                  tristate   maybe                                                             Send Expect-Continue to servers.
forbiddenFile                   atom       (none)                                                            File specifying forbidden URLs.
forbiddenRedirectCode           integer    302                                                               Redirect code, 301 or 302.
forbiddenTunnelsFile            atom       (none)                                                            File specifying forbidden tunnels.
forbiddenUrl                    atom       (none)                                                            URL to which forbidden requests should be redirected.
idleTime                        time       20s                                                               Time to remain idle before writing out.
laxHttpParser                   boolean    true                                                              Ignore unknown HTTP headers.
localDocumentRoot               atom       (none)                                                            Root of the local tree.
logFacility                     atom       user                                                              Syslog facility to use.
logFile                         atom       (none)                                                            Log file (stderr if empty and logSyslog is unset, /var/log/polipo2 if empty and daemonise is true).
logFilePermissions              integer    0640                                                              Access rights of the logFile.
logLevel                        integer    0x7                                                               Logging level (max = 0xFF).
logSyslog                       boolean    false                                                             Log to syslog.
maxAge                          time       14d1h                                                             Max age for objects without Expires header.
maxAgeFraction                  float      0.100000                                                          Fresh fraction of modification time.
maxConnectionAge                time       21m                                                               Maximum age of a server-side connection.
maxConnectionRequests           integer    400                                                               Maximum number of requests on a server-side connection.
maxDiskCacheEntrySize           integer    -1                                                                Maximum size of objects cached on disk.
maxDiskEntries                  integer    32                                                                File descriptors used by the on-disk cache.
maxExpiresAge                   time       30d1h                                                             Max age for objects with Expires header.
maxNoModifiedAge                time       23m                                                               Max age for objects without Last-modified.
maxObjectsWhenIdle              integer    32                                                                Number of objects to write at a time when idle.
maxPipelineTrain                integer    10                                                                Maximum number of requests pipelined at a time.
maxSideBuffering                integer    1500                                                              Maximum buffering for PUT and POST requests.
maxWriteoutWhenIdle             integer    65536                                                             Amount of data to write at a time when idle.
mindlesslyCacheVary             boolean    false                                                             If true, mindlessly cache negotiated objects.
objectHashTableSize             integer    2048                                                              Size of the object hash table (0 = auto).
objectHighMark                  integer    128                                                               High object count mark.
parentAuthCredentials           atom       (hidden)                                                          username:password.
parentProxy                     atom       (none)                                                            Parent proxy (host:port).
pidFile                         atom       /tmp/                                                  File with pid of running daemon.
pipelineAdditionalRequests      tristate   maybe                                                             Pipeline requests on an active connection.
pmmFirstSize                    integer    16384                                                             The size of the first PMM chunk.
pmmSize                         integer    8192                                                              The size of a PMM chunk.
preciseExpiry                   boolean    false                                                             Whether to consider all files for purging.
proxyAddress                    atom                                                         The IP address on which the proxy listens.
proxyName                       atom       xsp                                                               The name by which the proxy is known.
proxyOffline                    boolean    false                                                             Avoid contacting remote servers.
proxyOutgoingAddress            atom       (none)                                                            The IP address which the proxy connects from.
proxyPort                       integer    8123                                                              The TCP port on which the proxy listens.
publicObjectLowMark             integer    64                                                                Low object count mark (0 = auto).
redirector                      atom       (none)                                                            Squid-style redirector.
redirectorRedirectCode          integer    302                                                               Redirect code to use with redirector.
relaxTransparency               tristate   false                                                             Avoid contacting remote servers.
replyUnpipelineSize             integer    1048576                                                           Size for a pipeline break.
replyUnpipelineTime             time       20s                                                               Estimated time for a pipeline break.
scrubLogs                       boolean    false                                                             If true, don't include URLs in logs.
serverExpireTime                time       1d                                                                Time during which server data is valid.
serverIdleTimeout               time       45s                                                               Server-side idle timeout.
serverMaxSlots                  integer    8                                                                 Maximum number of connections per broken server.
serverSlots                     integer    2                                                                 Maximum number of connections per server.
serverSlots1                    integer    4                                                                 Maximum number of connections per HTTP/1.0 server.
serverTimeout                   time       1m30s                                                             Server-side timeout.
smallRequestTime                time       10s                                                               Estimated time for a small request.
socksAuthCredentials            atom       (hidden)                                                          SOCKS4a (or SOCKS5) credentials username:password
socksParentProxy                atom                                                   SOCKS parent proxy (host:port)
socksProxyType                  atom       socks5                                                            One of socks4a or socks5
tunnelAllowedPorts              intlist    22, 80, 109-110, 143, 443, 873, 993, 995, 2401, 5222-5223, 9418   Ports to which tunnelled connections are allowed.
uncachableFile                  atom       (none)                                                            File specifying uncachable URLs.
jech commented 3 years ago

Polipo is no longer being maintained, so I'm afraid you're on your own. Sorry.