jecisc / Bazard

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Error while browsing the versions of code that is not a method during debugging #180

Closed jecisc closed 5 years ago

jecisc commented 5 years ago

Migrated case from Manuscript.

Original case: Status: Work Needed Project: Debugging Original Author: CyrilFerlicot Date: 19 June 2016 9:55:26 pm


How to reproduce:

If the code is not from a method the version entry should be disabled.

MethodDictionary(Dictionary)>>errorKeyNotFound: [ self errorKeyNotFound: key ] in MethodDictionary(Dictionary)>>at: in Block: [ self errorKeyNotFound: key ] MethodDictionary>>at:ifAbsent: MethodDictionary(Dictionary)>>at: UndefinedObject class(Behavior)>>compiledMethodAt: VersionBrowser class>>browseVersionsForClass:selector: GTGenericStackDebugger(GTMoldableDebugger)>>browseVersions GTGenericStackDebugger(Object)>>perform:withEnoughArguments: GTBrowseDebugAction(MessageSendDebugAction)>>executeAction GTBrowseDebugAction(DebugAction)>>execute [ self execute ] in GTBrowseDebugAction(DebugAction)>>asGlamourAction in Block: [ self execute ] BlockClosure>>glamourValueWithArgs: GLMGenericAction(GLMAction)>>actOn: GLMGenericAction(GLMAction)>>morphicActOn: [ :ann | ann action morphicActOn: aPresentation ] in GLMMorphicPharoMethodRenderer(GLMMorphicWidgetRenderer)>>installActionsOnModel:fromPresentation: in Block: [ :ann | ann action morphicActOn: aPresentation ] BlockClosure>>cull: BlockClosure>>cull:cull: [ action cull: anAnnouncement cull: announcer ] in AnnouncementSubscription>>deliver: in Block: [ action cull: anAnnouncement cull: announcer ] BlockClosure>>on:do: BlockClosure>>on:fork: AnnouncementSubscription>>deliver: [ "Ensure delivery to remaining announcements" subscription deliver: anAnnouncement ] in SubscriptionRegistry>>deliver:to:startingAt: in Block: [ "Ensure delivery to remaining announcements" sub...etc... BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: SubscriptionRegistry>>deliver:to:startingAt: SubscriptionRegistry>>deliver:to: SubscriptionRegistry>>deliver: GLMRubricSmalltalkTextModel(Announcer)>>announce: GLMRubricSmalltalkTextModel(GLMMorphicModel)>>executeMenuAction: [ | selArgCount | "show cursor in case item opens a new MVC window" (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 ifTrue: [ target perform: selector ] ifFalse: [ selArgCount = arguments size ifTrue: [ target perform: selector withArguments: arguments ] ifFalse: [ target perform: selector withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt) ]. self showShortcut ]. self changed ] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: in Block: [ | selArgCount |... BlockClosure>>ensure: