jedbarlow / cmput495

495 Presentation
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Long Code Lines #1

Open Chobbes opened 10 years ago

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

Long lines of code look really gross, and especially in beamer you don't need very long lines to have problems at all. I'm not sure what the best way to deal with this is. The Haskell example I have in is about as long as a line can go without either wrapping (which isn't so great for Python in particular).

We can put small things into the presentation directly, and we can probably do some things to make this a little better, but maybe we would be better off putting some of the examples in an editor that we switch to or something? Not sure.

jedbarlow commented 10 years ago

We will have to use an external code editor for writing code at some point if we're going to do a live demonstration. But for presenting code in the slides, Can't we just use a smaller font size?

jedbarlow commented 10 years ago

Set the font size to \tiny for the source code sections. That should make it easier to fit longer lines of code. Anyone think this is too small?

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

I was making a similar change, except I decided that \scriptsize looked a bit better (it's somewhat larger than \tiny, so maybe a bit better for the presentation). I don't want to barge in and change the size on your commit right away, though. Maybe we can try it in the room... Does anybody know if the room does DVI? I only have a DVI cable so I can probably bet money that the room is solely a VGA sort of deal.

The main reason I brought this issue up is because I am concerned about making the font size too small to be seen, but I think you're right... It can be made a lot smaller than the default without too many issues. Still, sometimes we may have to run into line wrapping -- I guess we'll just deal with it. If we keep the line numbers on it kind of helps point out the wrapped lines.

edited: silly dying trackpad...

Keep in mind the resolution on that projector is probably going to be something like 800x600 -_-...

jedbarlow commented 10 years ago

The resolution of the projector is a good point. I have VGA output on my laptop. We could try it out if we have access to the room when we meet on Thursday. The reason I thought \tiny might work is because the room is so small, it's not like we're presenting in a large lecture theatre. Hard to know for sure without trying it out though.