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Presentation Organization #2

Open Chobbes opened 10 years ago

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

Do we want to stuff everything inside of the one .tex file, or should we break the presentation up into parts with multiple files included into the main presentation?

There's at least one advantage in doing this... We may end up with less merge conflicts. It might help us focus on our areas too. Thoughts?

jedbarlow commented 10 years ago

I think this is a good idea

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

Mmmkay. Not sure how well it will work with beamer, but I have some LaTeX stuff that uses the subfiles package to deal with multiple files. Maybe this package will be useful... When I take notes for class with LaTeX I write each day in a separate directory and generate a main file that includes all of them, so I can have PDFs of individual days, or a big PDF with all of the days... I like to preview the individual parts, at least. There are a bunch of different ways to include stuff in LaTeX, but most don't allow the individual components to be typeset separately. Subfiles does this.

I use it for this hack, anyway:

So maybe it will be useful here?

Also what editor is everybody using? I'd like to maybe start an org-mode (it's like emacs super markdown and more) file to maybe cover some of the speech parts / ideas / whatever. I know vim has some vim-org things, but I don't know how well they work. It is plain text, so you can deal with it anyway. Maybe markdown is better for all of you? Opinions?

jedbarlow commented 10 years ago

I use vim. Vim-org works for basic collapsing and expanding, I'm happy going this route.

jedbarlow commented 10 years ago

Just read about the Subfile package, it seems like a good choice. I wonder if we might need to extract the style setup code to a file to be regularly included in each subfile?

dylana37 commented 10 years ago

As a heads up if there is a particular way I should write my latex code rather than just copy it into the main file please tell me. I have no idea what most of the stuff you're talking about is. Also I use sublime.

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

I moved everything to a preamble so it can be included regularly. I don't think you need to include it in the subfiles - the subfile package looks at the main file for packages.

You just have to make another document that looks something like this:

Of course the argument to the subfiles document class should be the path to presentation.tex, and then write whatever in that document. In the main file you put \subfile{whateverthesubfilewas} where you want it to go, don't include the file extension. If you can't figure it out putting stuff in the main presentation.tex file will not be the end of the world -- we can just move it.

dylana37 commented 10 years ago

Ok so I just include the additional line and change the text in it to reflect where the preamble is in relation to the file?

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

Not the preamble, presentation.tex

But yeah, pretty much.

dylana37 commented 10 years ago

Do I need to obtain subfiles.cls from somewhere? It keeps returning a error when I try and compile it.

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

Need a \usepackage{subfiles} in presentation.tex?

dylana37 commented 10 years ago

Hmm that doesn't fix it. Still returns the same error saying it can't find the file subfiles.cls. Can it be the installation? I just grabbed texlive-full from the ubuntu repository.

jedbarlow commented 10 years ago

"apt-cache search subfiles" shows texlive-latex-extra, maybe try installing that?

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

If all else fails stuff it in a branch and push it so we can look at it.

dylana37 commented 10 years ago

Oh wait should I be including any additional includes in the other files so it knows where my file is?

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

I have no idea what you're doing. Make a branch and push it.

dylana37 commented 10 years ago

Ok I pushed a new branch. I'm still working on it so there's not much in the file just yet.

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

I can build a pdf with this. Changed it to use frames, and lstlisting instead of verbatim (don't use verbatim for code).

Are we actually talking about the history? I don't really think there is enough time, and I don't think it's worth talking about LISP and stuff. It seems to clash with the rest of it in my opinion.

dylana37 commented 10 years ago

We can gloss over the history. I'll remove going into any language specifics. The history itself can be tied into the motivation for using functional languages.

So using just the make command should compile it correctly then? I'm getting the PDF but the content from dylan.tex isn't showing up. I can just go back to coding normally and it can be worked out on Thursday.

Also thanks for the tip. I haven't used LaTeX much before.

Chobbes commented 10 years ago

You would have to edit the Makefile for that. I am just calling pdflatex manually - well, AucTeX does it for me, but you get the point.