jedfoster / SassMeister

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Add Position #125

Closed Undistraction closed 9 years ago

Undistraction commented 9 years ago

Don't suppose you could add 'Position' to Sassmeister? It's got good docs and pretty decent tests.

Here is all the code pasted into Sassmeister with examples.

jedfoster commented 9 years ago

Sweet! I'll add it this weekend. Big bonus points for the excellent readme!

Undistraction commented 9 years ago

Great. Thanks a lot.

Undistraction commented 9 years ago

If I wanted to break out some of the code to a common lib, do you support libs with dependencies? It looks like you looking at "responsive-modular-scale" which imports multiple libs;

@import "modular-scale";
@import "responsive-modular-scale";

If so, is there anything I can do to make this easier for you to handle your end?

jedfoster commented 9 years ago

Your documentation would just need to clearly list those dependencies.

While you're at it, I noticed a couple of things in your project. I'll file issues.

Undistraction commented 9 years ago

Thanks. That should all be sorted now (v0.2.5).

I've copied dist/_position.scss into a Sassmeister here and there are no issues.

jedfoster commented 9 years ago

Closed with 2b0248d

Undistraction commented 9 years ago

Closed with 2b0248d

This doesn't seem to reference any commit. Is this something you still have locally?

jedfoster commented 9 years ago

No, it's over in a different repo. The compilers are separate apps/repos. I shouldn't have noted the hash.

Undistraction commented 9 years ago

How do you handle versioning? How do you pick up updates?

jedfoster commented 9 years ago

I run a script periodically that updates all the installed plugins for a compiler. It's fully manual right now.

Undistraction commented 9 years ago

OK. Thanks.

Undistraction commented 9 years ago

Sassmeister is reporting version as:

Position (v0.2.12)

But the loaded version is an older version (seems to be the first version you added).

I only noticed because I switched to using inline comments for Sassdocs previously but the old /**/ comments are being output to the CSS window.