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Random numbers being added to background-image url() #186

Closed Jakobud closed 4 years ago

Jakobud commented 7 years ago

This is really random and only happening sometimes. But I have background-images like this:

background-image: url("img/myimage.jpg?$staticlink$");

And the generated CSS will be something like this:

background-image: url(img/myimage.jpg?$staticlink$&1492725573);

First of all, ?$staticlink$ is something I need to have in my URLs because I'm pasting it into this eCommerce CMS that uses that text to resolve an absolute path to the image.

Anyways, it's doing 2 things here:

  1. It's appending that number
  2. It's removing the quotes

Whenever I see this show up, I can just make a little change and wait for the reparse and it usually goes away. I cannot recreate this every time. This only seems to be happening today for the first time (I use sassmeister almost every day). And I've been doing the ?$staticlink$ thing in Sassmeister for a long time now without issue until today.