jedfoster / SassMeister

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Enable bleeding edge versions of Sass/Compass #49

Closed jedfoster closed 10 years ago

jedfoster commented 10 years ago

Now that Sass 3.3 RC is out, we need to make it available to users. However, I don't think it should be the default; rather it should be sandboxed.

Thinking or maybe


matiassingers commented 10 years ago

After thinking a little bit more about this I definitely agree that the bleeding edge versions shouldn't be enabled on the main site, but instead on a subdomain sandbox like you've proposed.

But will the sandbox then just use the latest version available from sass --pre/compass --pre or only release candidates?

jedfoster commented 10 years ago

It would be a permanent "bleeding edge" sandbox, not just RCs. The more I think about it the more certain I am that this is what needs to happen. But I've got some tech debt that needs to be paid off and some infrastructure tweaks to make first. And I need to decompress from this insane weekend of SassConf fun. Probably attack this next weekend.

jedfoster commented 10 years ago

tl;dr: I made a Bundler mistake and bleeding edge versions of Sass and Compass are live in production. Unless I hear otherwise from users, I'm going to let this stand.

I made a Bundler mistake and now Sass v3.3.0.rc.1 and Compass v0.13.alpha.7 are live in production.

I see that several gists have already been created & shared against the pre-release versions, so I’m disinclined to roll back. I think I ought to let this issue go unaddressed for the time being.

Links to those gists are in the wild and if I rolled back they would be broken. As far as I can tell, gists against the "stable" versions are fine, so the only benefit to rolling back would be to keep the clean, intentional, separation between "stable" and "bleeding edge" that I wanted originally. Not sure that's as important as I thought.

The cat's out of the bag, and any attempt to put it back in would only cause confusion. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll postpone sandboxing pre-release versions until the next stable Sass version.

If anyone has any issues with the prerelease versions of Sass/Compass on SassMeister, let me know in the comments below.