jedfoster / SassMeister

The Sass playground
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Make available the latest and greatest sass build #79

Closed xzyfer closed 10 years ago

xzyfer commented 10 years ago

Sassmeister has a lot of use cases. I most frequently find myself using it when tracking bugs in sass.

Digging into bugs is significantly easier in sassmeister rather than in full fledged apps.

It would be great if refs/master/HEAD were available as a compilation target. This would submitting bugs to sass team a much smooth process.

xzyfer commented 10 years ago

Here's an example of when this would have been great

scottkellum commented 10 years ago

I’m all for pre releases but I’m not sure nightly builds would be good because they are prone to throw lots of errors (like the one you linked to) and introduce even more issues to SassMeister as an app if the build process fails.

xzyfer commented 10 years ago

I agree it can be dangerous for users, but if you're choosing to use an unstable build you're accepting the risk that things that might now go well for you.

My reasoning for this that I would like to see sassmeister be used when filing bugs with the sass team, much like many javascript/css projects require a jsfiddle/codepen that shows the bug in action. Unfortunately with things like gems it's not a straightforward matter of just linking to an external resource in order to load the version the bug exists in.

The time when bug reports are most vital are during these unstable periods between big releases. The reason I chose this bug as an example of a great use case was because the bug was introduced between pre-releases.

Being able to work quickly with nightlies will make it much easier for people involved with sass to move the project faster IMO.

jedfoster commented 10 years ago

I'm closing this for now. I don't think SassMeister should be involved in the development of Sass itself. For bug reports, the development team needs a consistent, replicable method of communicating issues, and I can't guarantee that SassMeister will be that.

Because bug reports are so important, I don't want to introduce a third-party, outside factor that the Sass development team has no control over. SassMeister is intended to be a learning and demonstration tool for the language.

I am committed to supporting the latest stable version, and those release candidate versions that introduce interesting or valuable new features. At this time, I feel that is in the best interest of the greatest portion of the Sass community.

Not saying "No"; just saying, "Not now."