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API #20

Closed fheider closed 7 years ago

fheider commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to get an api instead of crawling the html? if swgoh is written in php, i can help if you want!

danpaulson commented 7 years ago

That's the plan. is a very early and sure-to-change example.

fheider commented 7 years ago

u need help? i'm a php developer

danpaulson commented 7 years ago

We're Django / Python and unfortunately not open source at the moment. But appreciate the offer!

DennisBecker commented 6 years ago

Are these the only possible resources for now? GET calls for characters and ships?

fheider commented 6 years ago

unfortunately yes

danpaulson commented 6 years ago

We are in the process of refactoring our backend, once that is done we will probably be able to expose a lot more for the API.

Pikkupomo commented 6 years ago

@danpaulson how is the API progressing? I see you have exposed characters and ships, when do you plan to expose more, like mods?

gminorcoles commented 6 years ago

I would like to use this api and would pay for it

DennisBecker commented 6 years ago

There are undocumented resources of the API like guild units - are there even more undocumented ones? Like users characters with mods or other resources to fetch detailed data of characters from a user?

FingolfinTEK commented 6 years ago

@DennisBecker Great question and one I'd also like to know the answer to - having API access to characters or at least guild's zetas would be fantastic and allow us to create tools to support creating automated team composition tools for various areas of the game.

shbi commented 6 years ago

looks like a lot more added.

danpaulson commented 6 years ago

Indeed. Still a want of ours to flesh this out, but we're squashing bugs and have a few features to get out ahead of that.