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Guild info won't update anymore. #239

Closed BobSagetsDealer closed 6 years ago

BobSagetsDealer commented 6 years ago

My guilds overall info hasn't updated in over a month now. New members are still being added or taken away but the overall GP and member average GP won't update. I also think this is causing some issues with our bots on discord.

djosh79 commented 6 years ago

Having the exact same issue. Guild GP and info has not updated in about 2 months. We are 10m GP higher than last update and now a Heroic STR guild. Is there anything we can do to manually sync this?

VoidACB commented 6 years ago Lots of guilds having the same issue.

BobSagetsDealer commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I've noticed that. Our guild is going on about 4 months now with no update. It keeps adding and removing members but the overall info won't update. Our GP now is almost double what the gg page says it is.

scobenes commented 6 years ago

Closing this as a duplicate, you can follow progress in issue #267 (it should be fixed, just take time to scan all the guilds)

BobSagetsDealer commented 6 years ago

Our issue has been fixed now. The image appears again and info has updated. Thank you. We all greatly appreciate it!