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Required gear materials do not match in-game order #725

Open scottrycroft opened 2 years ago

scottrycroft commented 2 years ago

Many required gear materials sort order do not match the in-game order.

For example:

Here's the current gear materials on swgohggOrdoFinisher

but in-game the sort order is different: swgohInGameOrdoFinisher

In this case the Mk 5 Arakyd Droid Caller Salvage and Mk 9 Kyrotech Battle Computer Prototype materials are swapped.

Many other gear recipe material lists are also out of order. Some happen to be correct though. Might be random?

Would be nice to match the order in-game.

scobenes commented 2 years ago

I am guessing they have some kind of sorting in game based on some kind of gear req level or something. I don't see us fixing this soon, but I'll leave it around for now.