jedi4ever / veewee

Easing the building of vagrant boxes
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Arch64 template #52

Closed simonsd closed 13 years ago

simonsd commented 13 years ago

Any chance you can find the time to create a 64-bit Archlinux template? I've been looking into it myself but haven't found an easy way nor the time to really dig in so ..

jedi4ever commented 13 years ago

Hi Dave, I hoped it was that simple to just replace the i686 with x64_ stuff. The problem is that the sysrescue installer runs on i686 and therefore the chroot trick works fine there. I think , if I gonna make the arch64 work, I'll probably start supporting the AIF installer as this is the native way of doing things.

If you know the manual sequence or have AIF templates that work fine, do let me know. I'll be happy to help to see it converted into veewee definitions

simonsd commented 13 years ago

I tried changing the references at first too but found out all too quickly that wasn't going to cut it. I then figured out that the sysrescuecd has a 64bit kernel on board as well but you just have to select it. Since I couldn't find a way to get veewee to send arrow-down or backspace to it I couldn't select it though. Yesterday I started looking at wether it's possible to do it from a debian 64bit livecd, but didn't really have a lot of time [read: I went to sleep at around 4:30].

I've read about AIF but I believe there is currently no way of actually starting it from the initial kernel cmd. Maybe I should try getting in touch with Dieter Plaetinck, I believe he's the one responsible for the AIF. Maybe I'll write an AIF template as well, might be usefull in the future :)

I've only been using Arch for 3 months now and linux in general a year and 9 months so perhaps i'm not the right person to do this? btw: thanx voor uw hulp de vorige keer met vagrant, much appreciated :) tomdv zei al dat je snel antwoordde maar ik had het zo snel niet verwacht ..

jedi4ever commented 13 years ago

On 06/06/11 12:08, simonsd wrote:

I tried changing the references at first too but found out all too quickly that wasn't going to cut it. I then figured out that the sysrescuecd has a 64bit kernel on board as well but you just have to select it. Since I couldn't find a way to get veewee to send arrow-down or backspace to it I couldn't select it though. Yesterday I started looking at wether it's possible to do it from a debian 64bit livecd, but didn't really have a lot of time [read: I went to sleep at around 4:30].

backspace already exists use '' in the sequence

And the rest has just been implemented :)

       special['<Up>'] = '48 c8';
       special['<Down>'] = '50 d0';
       special['<PageUp>'] = '49 c9';
       special['<PageDown>'] = '51 d1';
       special['<End>'] = '4f cf';
       special['<Insert>'] = '52 d2';
       special['<Delete>'] = '53 d3';
       special['<Left>'] = '4b cb';
       special['<Right>'] = '4d cd';
       special['<Home>'] = '47 c7';

       special['<F1>'] = '3b';
       special['<F2>'] = '3c';
       special['<F3>'] = '3d';
       special['<F4>'] = '3e';
       special['<F5>'] = '3f';
       special['<F6>'] = '40';
       special['<F7>'] = '41';
       special['<F8>'] = '42';
       special['<F9>'] = '43';
       special['<F10>'] = '44';

See the first But pacman does not want execute for some reason - maybe this is related

I've read about AIF but I believe there is currently no way of actually starting it from the initial kernel cmd. Maybe I should try getting in touch with Dieter Plaetinck, I believe he's the one responsible for the AIF. Maybe I'll write an AIF template as well, might be usefull in the future :)

I think the whole hassle of chroot, create filesystem, ... can be delegated to AIF, much easier

I've only been using Arch for 3 months now and linux in general a year and 9 months so perhaps i'm not the right person to do this? who knows :) Every contribution is a good one ! btw: thanx voor uw hulp de vorige keer met vagrant, much appreciated :) tomdv zei al dat je snel antwoordde maar ik had het zo snel niet verwacht .. graag gedaan.

simonsd commented 13 years ago

Yeah I expected as much: the problem is on my end again. I tried the keypresses before and they always gave the same result, namely that -keys would somehow endup doing PgDn-PgUp (well at least it skips to the last entry and back to the first). I'm assuming your archlinux-64-experimental doesn't do that? That it actually selects the right entry and boots that kernel?. Anyways I'm guessing it's a package somewhere that isn't quite the right version or so, I'll try upgrading veewee and vagrant gems and see what happens.

simonsd commented 13 years ago

Oh totally forgot: I corresponded with Dieter Plaetinck about running AIF from grub cmd, there's no such option (yet). On the other hand the guys over at arch-releng have implemented the "script" kernel arg, so you can pass an arbitrary script to be run after boot, including over http. Only drawback is having to use the arch-releng iso's [release-engineering], so might be a bit unstable.

I think that may be the way to go, still a bit dirty but it works and we can start AIF from the script to make it easier :) Contents of the AIF-template could be done by creating the file from the script, or pulling it in from somewhere.

I've tried but for some reason the archlinux install cd doesn't boot with network connection, it doesn't even bring up eth0 and thus doesn't grab the script. If I manually bring up the interface afterwards with dhcpcd it works like a charm so maybe it's just adding delay or loading an extra kernel module? Could very well be a Virtualbox issue.

But that's for tomorrow

jedi4ever commented 13 years ago

I've cooked up a quick template to do the installation in the 'regular' archlinux style


the idea is to boot up the archlinux ISO, enable network , enable ssh and then continue from there. Then you could use the AIF installer IMHO.

Have fun with it

Dieterbe commented 13 years ago

AIF comes with 2 example profiles, this is probably a good starting point:

simonsd commented 13 years ago

On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 12:39:38AM -0700, Dieterbe wrote:

AIF comes with 2 example profiles, this is probably a good starting point:

thanx, I already saw them passing by but sadly I haven't gotten the setup working that far yet. For some reason the arch vm now hangs before login so veewee is trying to login and do something but no go. I'll take a look at it some time but I thin it'll have to wait a while. [writing my dissertation on puppet due end this week, so ..]

anyways thanx for the help, you've both been extremely helpfull so far :)

Dieterbe commented 13 years ago

A) De template is een goede start, voor jouw waarschijnlijk een kleintje, om deze uit te breiden met:

  • aanmaken user vagrant/password vagrant

if you're talking about the target system: add the adduser command to worker_configure_system(), otherwise run the command on the host (live) system

  • op de install machine sshd daemon activeren/login van buiten af toe laten

install machine == live? if so: not AIF's job, but you could do this with /etc/rc.d/sshd start (maybe pacman -S openssh first, not sure whether it's on the images), and permit access in tcpwrappers (add allow line to /etc/hosts.allow)

  • grub goed zetten voor goede kernel boot

AIF does this automatically

  • reboot at the end

not AIF's job. You could do something like aif -p automatic -c <config> && reboot

B) Zodat user vagrant/vagrant kan inloggen:

  • ruby installeren

pacman -S ruby

  • up to date rubygems installeren

comes with ruby package, AFAIK

  • gem install puppet/chef doen
  • virtualbox additions iso kan downloaden
  • virtualbox guest additions mounten + installeren

not sure. our virtualbox packages have really bad names.

Zowel bij A als B, als je me de 'archlinux' way of doing command kan geven, dan kan ik het wel uit proberen.

  • Bonus vraagje:
  • waar zit verschil tussen installatie van 64bit of 32 bit? Gewoon een andere core archlinux downloaden?

I think so.

simonsd commented 13 years ago

Ok so i'm back on track here, sorry it took so long I've set up a base AIF automated install but I can't get past the grub install, there seems to be something horribly wrong with that but I haven't yet figured out what ..

Made my own feature branch so it doesn't disturb your stuff ..

just ask if you want to merge it into main anyways

simonsd commented 13 years ago

template added in pull request - closing this ticket