jedisct1 / libsodium.js

libsodium compiled to Webassembly and pure JavaScript, with convenient wrappers.
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invalid usage on desktop chrome when running crypto_pwhash #269

Closed neha-rai07 closed 3 years ago

neha-rai07 commented 3 years ago

Error: invalid usage at h (sodium.js:formatted:17589) at Object.qA [as crypto_pwhash] (sodium.js:formatted:19328)

for below return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(sodium.to_hex(sodium.crypto_pwhash(challenge.derivedLength, hashInput, challenge.salt, challenge.iterationDifficulty, challenge.memoryDifficulty, sodium.crypto_pwhash_ALG_ARGON2ID13))); });

jedisct1 commented 3 years ago


Would you mind describing what this issue is about? What are you trying to do? What did you do? What happened? What would be a minimal test case to reproduce it?

neha-rai07 commented 3 years ago

Integrated with libsodium js and we are passing values to sodium.crypto_pwhash. Using ALGORITHM_ARGON2ID. In min version it fails on below image Not sure what this means? Want to understand what is the scenario in which this error is returned.

jedisct1 commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, the screenshot doesn't give much clarification about the bug you are trying to report, if this is what the issue is about.

Here's an example usage of the crypto_pwhash() function, used for key derivation (not password storage), forcing the algorithm to be Argon2Id even if a better option is available:

const _sodium = require('libsodium-wrappers');
(async () => {
    await _sodium.ready;
    const sodium = _sodium;

    const password = "password";
    const salt = sodium.randombytes_buf(sodium.crypto_pwhash_SALTBYTES);
    const opsLimit = 2;
    const memLimit = 67108864;
    const alg = sodium.crypto_pwhash_ALG_ARGON2ID13;
    const outputLen = 32;
    const derivedKey = sodium.crypto_pwhash(outputLen, password, salt, opsLimit, memLimit, alg);

For more information about how to use that function, the libsodium documentation on password hashing may help. The API is the same in JavaScript.

neha-rai07 commented 3 years ago

Found the cause of the error. We were using memLimit value < 8192. As per documentation, this value should be >=8192.

If the error was more verbose and descriptive instead of Invalid Usage, this could be helpful in identifying the issue earlier.