jednano / iso-http

An HTTP request library that enables isomorphic applications.
MIT License
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No way to specify the same query param twice #2

Open DanielHeath opened 9 years ago

DanielHeath commented 9 years ago

I'm using an API which specifies filters by passing the same URL parameter twice.

From reading the code, I'd need to provide an alternative implementation of serializeObject that could do this.

Would a PR to make hooking that possible be accepted?

jednano commented 9 years ago

Yes it would!

jednano commented 9 years ago

@DanielHeath the dependencies might be a bit stale. Feel free to update them. Also, this project uses TypeScript, so you might want to download Visual Studio Code for free on Windows/Mac/Linux.

jednano commented 9 years ago

done and done

DanielHeath commented 9 years ago

That's just the dep update, right?

DanielHeath commented 9 years ago

Should I be editing lib or d.ts?

DanielHeath commented 9 years ago

Also, it looks like data is totally ignored on the node side; is that right?

jednano commented 9 years ago

Yes. I only updated the dependencies.

You want to edit files in the lib folder. The d.ts folder is generated. I actually need to clean up how these generated files are being pushed to GitHub, but I don't have a great strategy for that yet.

What do you mean data is totally ignored on the Node side? You can look at runIsomorphicTests for the tests that run on both Node and in-browser. Otherwise, node/Http.spec.ts has the tests that are specific only to Node and browser/Http.spec.ts has the tests specific only to the browser.

jednano commented 9 years ago

BTW – what OS are you developing on? If Mac, you might have to disable the IE test, locally. If on Windows, you might have to disable Safari. Just FYI.

DanielHeath commented 9 years ago

lib/node/Http.ts doesn't mention Helpers or anywhere.

Therefore, if you pass data it'll be ignored when making a request on the server, right?

jednano commented 9 years ago

If you're talking about sending data, you have to send it in the headers. Whether the server ignores it or not depends on your server. This library is intended to be very minimal and basic. Anything above and beyond simple HTTP requests would have to be another library that extends this one (e.g., passing data as an option, like jQuery).

If you want to receive data, that's handled here and given to you as response.text.

Where did Helpers come from?

DanielHeath commented 9 years ago

I'm referring to when I talk about data, and when I talk about Helpers

jednano commented 8 years ago

The Node HTTP client doesn't need Helpers to function, so that's why it doesn't reference them. As for the data, I must not have documented that, so I can't remember myself. I vaguely remember having to send the data in the headers, but that's not very isomorphic (i.e., doesn't work the same across clients).

Also, it doesn't look like there are any tests against data, which might be valuable.