Hello sir,
I used your plugin to recade but my images the problem is that it works on ios devices without problems but not on android devices, once I select an image nothing happens and I have an error in my log of the type "ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: selected_pictures.reduce is not a function
here is my source code
Thank you for your help
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Settings } from './../../../data/settings';
import { LoadingController, NavController, ActionSheetController, Platform } from '@ionic/angular';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
import { Vendor } from './../../../data/vendor';
import { ImagePicker } from '@ionic-native/image-picker/ngx';
import { Crop } from '@ionic-native/crop/ngx';
import { Headers } from '@angular/http';
import { FileTransfer, FileUploadOptions, FileTransferObject } from '@ionic-native/file-transfer/ngx';
import { Config } from './../../../config';
import { ApiService } from '../../../api.service';
err: any;
constructor(public platform: Platform, public api: ApiService, public actionSheetController: ActionSheetController, public config: Config, public vendor: Vendor, public settings: Settings, public loadingController: LoadingController, public navCtrl: NavController, public router: Router, private transfer: FileTransfer, private imagePicker: ImagePicker, private crop: Crop) { }
Hello sir, I used your plugin to recade but my images the problem is that it works on ios devices without problems but not on android devices, once I select an image nothing happens and I have an error in my log of the type "ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: selected_pictures.reduce is not a function here is my source code Thank you for your help
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Settings } from './../../../data/settings'; import { LoadingController, NavController, ActionSheetController, Platform } from '@ionic/angular'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Vendor } from './../../../data/vendor'; import { ImagePicker } from '@ionic-native/image-picker/ngx'; import { Crop } from '@ionic-native/crop/ngx'; import { Headers } from '@angular/http'; import { FileTransfer, FileUploadOptions, FileTransferObject } from '@ionic-native/file-transfer/ngx'; import { Config } from './../../../config'; import { ApiService } from '../../../api.service';
@Component({ selector: 'app-photos', templateUrl: './photos.page.html', styleUrls: ['./photos.page.scss'], }) export class PhotosPage implements OnInit {
uploadingImageSpinner: boolean = false; photos: any; imageresult: any; imageIndex: any = 0; res: any; loading: any;
err: any; constructor(public platform: Platform, public api: ApiService, public actionSheetController: ActionSheetController, public config: Config, public vendor: Vendor, public settings: Settings, public loadingController: LoadingController, public navCtrl: NavController, public router: Router, private transfer: FileTransfer, private imagePicker: ImagePicker, private crop: Crop) { }
ngOnInit() { }
picker() { let options = { maximumImagesCount: 1, } this.photos = new Array < string > (); this.imagePicker.getPictures(options).then((results) => { this.reduceImages(results).then((results) => this.handleUpload(results)); }, (err) => { this.err = err; }); }
handleUpload(results) { this.upload(); } reduceImages(selected_pictures: any): any { return selected_pictures.reduce((promise: any, item: any) => { return promise.then((result) => { return this.crop.crop(item, { quality: 75, targetHeight: 100, targetWidth: 100 }).then( cropped_image => this.photos = cropped_image, error => this.err = error ); }); }, Promise.resolve()); } upload() { this.uploadingImageSpinner = true; const fileTransfer: FileTransferObject = this.transfer.create(); var headers = new Headers(); headers.append('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data'); let options: FileUploadOptions = { chunkedMode: false, fileKey: 'file', fileName: 'name.jpg', headers: { headers } } fileTransfer.upload(this.photos, this.config.url + '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=mstoreapp_upload_image', options).then((data) => { this.uploadingImageSpinner = false; this.imageresult = JSON.parse(data.response); this.vendor.product.images[this.imageIndex] = {}; this.vendor.product.images[this.imageIndex].src = this.imageresult.url; this.imageIndex = this.imageIndex + 1; // success }, (err) => { //this.functions.showAlert("error", err); }) } async replaceImage(index) { const actionSheet = await this.actionSheetController.create({ header: 'Albums', buttons: [{ text: 'Delete Image', role: 'destructive', icon: 'trash', handler: () => { this.vendor.product.images.splice(index, 1); this.imageIndex = this.imageIndex - 1; } }, { text: 'Edit Image', icon: 'create', handler: () => { let options = { maximumImagesCount: 1, } this.photos = new Array < string > (); this.imagePicker.getPictures(options).then((results) => { this.reduceImages(results).then((results) => this.replaceUpload(index)); }, (err) => { //this.functions.showAlert("error", err); }); } }, { text: 'Cancel', icon: 'close', role: 'cancel', handler: () => { console.log('Cancel clicked'); } }] }); await actionSheet.present(); } replaceUpload(index) { this.uploadingImageSpinner = true; const fileTransfer: FileTransferObject = this.transfer.create(); var headers = new Headers(); headers.append('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data'); let options: FileUploadOptions = { chunkedMode: false, fileKey: 'file', fileName: 'name.jpg', headers: { headers } } fileTransfer.upload(this.photos, this.config.url + '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=mstoreapp_upload_image', options).then((data) => { this.uploadingImageSpinner = false; this.imageresult = JSON.parse(data.response); this.vendor.product.images[index].src = this.imageresult.url; // success }, (err) => { //this.functions.showAlert("error", err); }) } publish() { this.vendor.product.status = 'publish'; this.submit(); } draft() { this.vendor.product.status = 'draft'; this.submit(); } async submit() { this.vendor.product.vendor = this.settings.customer.id; this.loading = await this.loadingController.create({ spinner: 'crescent', translucent: true, animated: true, backdropDismiss: true }); await this.loading.present(); this.api.wcpost('products', this.vendor.product).then(res => { //DOKAN AND WCFM Plugin this.res = res; this.api.postItem('update-vendor-product', { id: this.res.id }).then(res => {