jeduan / cordova-plugin-facebook4

Use the latest Facebook SDK in your Cordova and Ionic projects
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Not working on IOS Simulator #856

Closed burton22ful closed 4 years ago

burton22ful commented 4 years ago

[x] I'm reporting a reproducible issue with the code

Describe the Bug of feature request

When logging in on the Xcode simulator it shows the dialog "My App" wants to use "" to sign in. After clicking continue it just shows a blank white "" window and after a few seconds shows the same dialog again and does the same thing.

Expected Behavior

After clicking continue it should show a Login with facebook window with the facebook login webpage. It works on all devices i've tried just not on the simulator. I want to use the simulator to take screen shots for the XS max and 6.5" screen.

Plugin version is 6.3.0.

simulator version iOS is 13.3

simulator device XS max or iPhone 8 Plus

Hard Devices work fine

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 Plus - 2020-03-11 at 18 06 42 Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 Plus - 2020-03-11 at 18 06 49

peterpeterparker commented 4 years ago

Works fine for me with Xcode 11.3 and simulated iPhone 8 Plus (see screenshots).

Give a try to the sample app.

Therefore I close the issue, seems not related to the plugin itself. If you do find and error and can provide a sample repo to reproduce the problem, ping me.

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