jeduan / cordova-plugin-facebook4

Use the latest Facebook SDK in your Cordova and Ionic projects
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Build failed if app name in config.xml has accented string #866

Closed steniomoraes closed 2 years ago

steniomoraes commented 4 years ago

Bug or feature request

[X] I'm reporting a reproducible issue with the code [ ] I'm reporting a feature request

Describe the Bug of feature request

If the app name in config.xml has an accent in the string and the plugin was installed, the iOS build/run/prepare broken.

To reproduce:

1 - Start new app: ionic start testAccent blank (using Angular and Cordova); 2 - Change app name in config.xml like this: <name>Tést Ãccèntêd String</name> (Only for example but, one accent brokesame); 3 - Install your plugin: ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-facebook4 --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="testAccent" npm install @ionic-native/facebook (The app_name does not contains accent, spaces or invalid characters); 4 - Try to run in iOS: ionic cordova run ios --consolelogs --debug --livereload (Simple run and build fail anyway).

The error is this:

`[ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova.

cordova build ios --debug exited with exit code 65.`

If the accented string is removed from the config.xml app name, it works perfectly.

Plugin version, OS, devices, etc

I'm using the latest version of all packages (Ionic, Cordova, Cordova Facebook, NPM, and others).

noahcooper commented 2 years ago

This plugin is deprecated. Check out cordova-plugin-facebook-connect at If you're still running into issues with your app name, feel free to open an issue there.