Trying to integrate an Aeotec ZW164 Siren 6 ZWAVE PLUS
Identifiant du fabricant : 881 [0x0371] Type de produit : 3 [0x0003]
Identifiant du produit : 164 [0x00a4]
It looks like the openzwave library is unable to parse the content of a specific field and the jeedom's openzwave plugin does not take care of an upstream invalid parsing.
The purpose of this PR is to allow the plugin to continue its normal process even after a such error.
As a consequence with this fix, the list is empty (should not ?)
Please note that I'm not able to play any sound from the sound list of the alarm plugin on this device.
Trying to integrate an Aeotec ZW164 Siren 6 ZWAVE PLUS
It looks like the openzwave library is unable to parse the content of a specific field and the jeedom's openzwave plugin does not take care of an upstream invalid parsing.
The purpose of this PR is to allow the plugin to continue its normal process even after a such error.
As a consequence with this fix, the list is empty (should not ?)
Please note that I'm not able to play any sound from the sound list of the alarm plugin on this device.