jeelabs / esp-link

esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
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Documentation suggestion: how to use serial converter/bridge once the wifi configuration is established #281

Open dpapathanasiou opened 7 years ago

dpapathanasiou commented 7 years ago

I've successfully completed the hardware configuration, serial flashing, and wifi configuration steps from the instructions, and I've got it connected to (and powered by) a Raspberry Pi without any other network interface.

So I was hoping to see the esp8266 chip available as a wlan adapter by running 'sudo iwconfig', but it's not present.

Then I saw this question -- -- which made me realize the intended usage is different from what I was expecting.

Are there more instructions on how to use the serial converter/bridge in this configuration?

I can connect to the Pi directly, with a monitor and keyboard, and I also have the ssh server enabled, for remote access.

I'm just not sure on what to do next, to establish connectivity.

tve commented 7 years ago

to be honest, esp-link is not what you're looking for. the official "AT" firmware from Espressif is better suited for this type of use, I believe there are linux drivers available to interface to it.

dpapathanasiou commented 7 years ago

Hi, and thanks for replying to this. I came here by following this article which specifically recommends esp-link for the original Pi Zero. WRT using the AT firmware from Espressif instead, are there particular articles or references you could point me to?

tve commented 7 years ago

I can't tell whether this project got completed: but it's what you're looking for. Also