jeelabs / esp-link

esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
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How to change soft-ap channel #453

Open liklev opened 4 years ago

liklev commented 4 years ago

hi, i found the same issue (#345) ca. 2 years before but looks to me nobody answered it. so is there any solution to change from channel 1 (which is usually the most congested "default" channel in my area) to my choice? (on the go, without recompiling source) as i send few letter serial commands over the air by the u-console (i guess this is the use of this project), so congestion maybe not be that much of an issue. thanx, lev

uzi18 commented 4 years ago

need to check... if it is possible

uzi18 commented 4 years ago

@liklev please test this firmware:

liklev commented 4 years ago

thanx uzi18, i found flashing addresses, i will check it. update: flashing done, when i go to WiFi Soft-AP menu state displayed, but settings just a headline with a circling cursor - no fields to fill at all esp2866 esp12e cheers, lev

liklev commented 4 years ago

uzi18, little update, so flashed the alfa u linked. (along with the corresponding boot-v1.7 defaults etc.) not pulling in the soft-ap setting fields (state displayed) then dowgraded to 3.0.14 (all 4 bin from package) then soft-ap settings showed up even a channel line. entered 6. press change - stayed ch1. reset esp then disappeared the channel setting line. i just tried upgrade with ota (userbin1/2) the webgui menu brings an extra log2 in the alfa but no soft-ap settings. the stable 3.0.14 no log2 but softap settings works - without channel line

liklev commented 4 years ago

uzi18, i have tried esp-link-v3.2.47-g9c6530d tagged as v3.2.47.alpha there the soft-ap settings works - without channel selection line.

uzi18 commented 4 years ago

you must update both usrbin first as you did, second after reboot to 3.2.47 with website interface subpage update. Both must by same because if not you will. change version every reset :)

screenshot's please Please try one more time.

liklev commented 4 years ago

ok, i've tried with both 3.2.47 alfa and alfa5. erase flash then flash boot/user1/defaults/blank. then restart and upgrade from webgui the appropriate user2.

alfa: soft-ap settings available to change channel but after first saving channel selection line disappears and the channel was not changed, stays ch1. new observation : after change pin assignment first time, trying to load data, selector lines never come back.

alfa5: pin assignement working good but soft-ap setting dont show up at all, just circling cursor, wanna read datas. Screenshot_2019-07-09-23-49-54 Screenshot_2019-07-09-23-58-34

liklev commented 4 years ago

so lastly i fall back to 3.0.14 stable. no channel change there yet, but both pin assignment and soft-ap setting remain update-able. and the rest i use also works with stable version. may be i'm exaggerating this channel selection stuff on the soft-ap side. my neighbors changed 3 times already and all newcomer inherited the built in network with ch1 from prev owners. plus each of them added some new routers of their own taste, guess what channel (1). and the new family has the police on speed dial, any time i ring their doorbell to have some kind talk police on my neck in 5 minutes, why i'm harassing them (just the doorbell, not even meeting face-to face)

uzi18 commented 4 years ago

ok i see, need to test it myself, stay tuned

uzi18 commented 4 years ago

try this one:

liklev commented 4 years ago

ohhh yeeee, it looks that version is the real maccoy. i flashed it as b4 , so user2 from the freshly burnt user1 webgui. works perfect, changing channel good (changed several times here and there) the pin assignment window also healthy. (also handling pre-sets well) i'm controlling another esp12e board through the console window with serial commands (dealing with wifi control, so the 2nd board's wifi is not available to maintain connection). works excellent.

big-big thanx for your efforts. so far you can consider this issue solved, unless i should close it myself? best regards, levente

uzi18 commented 4 years ago

@tve do you want PR for this issue?

liklev commented 4 years ago

oh, i searched it pull request, you mean to get the team accept this achievement? on my opinion it is a valuable improvement, worth of populate. while i dont know this procedure of githubbing, because i am just a greedy user crying for stuff. (dark hearted leecher at torrenting)

tve commented 4 years ago

@tve do you want PR for this issue?

That would be awesome! Thanks!!