jeelabs / esp-link

esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
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Wifi to Serial and vice versa #499

Open vinura opened 3 years ago

vinura commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to do the following?

ESP[Serial to Wifi]--------------> Wifi Bridge -----------> ESP[Wifi to Serial]

I am trying to connect Pixhwak to a Ground Station using the above method. Is it possible to broadcast serial to wifi from one ESP and receive it from another ESP and direct it to serial connection again?

mr-sneezy commented 3 years ago

Slightly off your actual question, I see you mention MAVlink. I've done it with this below from Pixhawk to UDP into Mission Planner. I would think it would work through a WiFi repeater also. If you really need serial via WiFi at the GCS and not UDP then you may have to experiment.

vinura commented 3 years ago

@mr-sneezy Yes i got it to working with Mission Planner without any problem using UDP. But no I have this GCS Unit Called Tengri It supports Mavlink over serial, RFD, and USB. I have one pair of RFD 900x. But I also have 4 drones. It is a pain to swap RFDs all the time. Since I want to ditch the Mission Planner altogether. I am looking to have that wifi to serial connection using esp-link.

Simply put is esp link takes Wifi input and give to serial. rather than other way around

tapi35 commented 3 years ago

Vinura, I want to create the same diagram for an other application : canceling wire between an electronic instrument and the sound module. If you find how to make this, it will be nice to share, I will do the same. Thanks

vinura commented 3 years ago

@tapi35 I am looking at ESP Now Protocol and how that I could use it for this purpose. Will share an update. So far I found one solution but it really didn't work. Please take a look.

uzi18 commented 3 years ago

we should implement it into esp-link

vinura commented 3 years ago

@tapi35 I was able to use socat on raspberry pi and convert udp port back to serial. socat -d -d UDP-LISTEN:14550 /dev/ttyS0,b921600,raw,echo=0

but this is costly for just this purpose.

rkubera commented 3 years ago

look at: I was tested it with pixhawk.