jeelabs / esp-link

esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
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Homeautomation connection for mqtt, wemo and hue? #535

Open hjahend opened 2 years ago

hjahend commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I use Tasmota based and other devices for my home automation for many years already. I already also use the reduced version of esplink for transparent serial communication via wifi with other devices (homautomation software on a pc and http commands via webbrowser)

Wondering if this extended esplink version could send and receive (relay function) MQTT, WEMO /HUE messages via a serial port on my home automation controller? Questions: Is it at all possible? What message format as inputs to this software? Same for outputs (messages back)? Do I have to alter this esplink software (if so what and how)? How to bind it all together and check it??

uzi18 commented 2 years ago

@hjahend What is extended version of esp-link? Do you want to use esp-link as a bridge mqtt to your PC via serial port?

hjahend commented 2 years ago

Yes. refer to these webpages & download link (simple version)

Understand that with the extended version much more is possible?

I already use this MQTT broker on a Nodemcu now for many years:

The problem is that this MQTTbroker gets flooded with messages and breaks down. So I need something else/better, preferably on an ESP Nodemcu.


From: Bartłomiej Zimoń @.> Sent: Tuesday, December 7, 2021 18:36 To: jeelabs/esp-link @.> Cc: hjahend @.>; Author @.> Subject: Re: [jeelabs/esp-link] Homeautomation connection for mqtt, wemo and hue? (Issue #535)

What is extended version of esp-link? Do you want to use esp-link as a bridge mqtt to your PC via serial port?

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