jeelabs / esp-link

esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
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esp link not working with Comgrow Z1 laser engraver #557

Open tung256 opened 1 year ago

tung256 commented 1 year ago

i have the Comgrow Z1 laser engraver. it comes with an ESP 01 chip already installed as seen here. image

the company intends the ESP to be able to control the laser via an app. to control via a PC, i connect via a USB cable. BUT it would be nice to be able to control over wifi with the PC! looks like someone was able to do it too:

i was able to flash the esp01 with the [ESP-Link. here's my status page: image

in the Console, i get nothing. did i forget something? image

JDP-Maker commented 1 year ago

That looks like a simple BAUD rate problem. Try going through all the BAUD rates and see if you get clear text.