jeelabs / esp-link

esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
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mdns stop working/resolving hostname.local after ~2.5 minutes after boot #561

Open rootmax84 opened 1 year ago

rootmax84 commented 1 year ago

Is there any fix of this?

JDP-Maker commented 1 year ago

On what OS? On windows 10+ the builtin mdns is pretty strange. I disabled it and installed bonjour.

rootmax84 commented 1 year ago

On what OS? On windows 10+ the builtin mdns is pretty strange. I disabled it and installed bonjour.

Any OS. IOS, linux, macos, etc. Bonjour on windows doesn't help.

JDP-Maker commented 1 year ago

I don't see any problems like you describe using 3.2.47.alpha and windows 10 arduino IDE Haven't tried other versions since 3.2.47 is working for me. But as I said with windows native MDNS, the host name would come and go. But using bonjour I see host name consistently. How are you seeing the host name disappear, using Arduino IDE, or MDNS browser. I think I saw a post about Arduino IDE 2.0 having trouble with MDNS. I am using IDE version but I have noticed by watching the MDNS browser, that if IDE is launched before esp8266 is rebooted that a restart of IDE is needed to pick up the host name. Might be if I was more patient it would appear after some time, but once I figured out restarting IDE made it come up right away I just started restarting after seeing host name in MDNS browser.