jeelabs / esp-link

esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
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ESP-link to connect a Smart Meter #564

Open ScanxTaz opened 1 year ago

ScanxTaz commented 1 year ago

Hey Dear, hope there's still life here :)

I'm wondering... I succeeded in flashing a NodeMCU with and ESP32 on it with ESP-Link. The beast is running and I can see the logs of the smart metter rolling on ESP-Link. Now, I'd like to get the content of the log and parse it to publish on MQTT. I'm not totally sure ESP-Link can do that... Is it ?

I'm currently trying to bind a socket in Python from an external machine on the port 23 of ESP-Link. This works, but well... I'm sure it can do it more properly, especially because the socket falls down after a while, seems to have sync issues...

so, is there any more proper way of doing this ?

Thanks for the (alive) people here :) Thierry

uzi18 commented 1 year ago

esp-link does not support esp32. NodeMCU is esp8266 thats why it works :)

I'm using telnetlib for communication with esp-link as serial bridge on 23 port

ScanxTaz commented 1 year ago

Yeah, thanks usi18, but either with Telenetlib or direct Socket implementation, the listener falls at some point. The DSMR is "publishing" the logs of the energy consumption infinitely, and, I don't know why, this implementation fails after a while... (I also started with Telenetlib)

uzi18 commented 1 year ago

Please show more info about your project, maybe we can simulate this behabior?