jeelabs / esp-link

esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
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Issue setting baud rate to 2400 #568

Open Brynod opened 1 year ago

Brynod commented 1 year ago

Hi all, I have flashed ESP-Link to my wemos D1 mini and all is working fine on the larger part... however, if i try to change the baud rate to 2400 in the serial console (hoping to use this to montor my RS232 inverter) , this causes issues.

Firmware 2.2.3 simply wont set anything below 9600 and reports "error setting baud rate" Firmware 3.0.14 will allow the change but then goes into a boot loop after power cycle firmware 3.2.47 will allow the change but then goes into a boot loop after power cycle

is it possible to use ESP link at such a low baud rate? If so....does anyone know how to do this....or if this is even necessary? I am waiting for my MAX3232 adaptor to connect the inverter but just wanted to get everything ready in advance.

Thanks in advance! Regards Bryan

Baud error

Brynod commented 1 year ago

NB: i have tried setting various different baud rates to gather as much info as possible, the message in the screenshot appears when trying to set to 2400 from any other baud rate in firmware 2.2.3

Trying this in any later firmware will allow the change but then just bootloops after power cycle and needs full reflash to get working again..

Thanks again for any help with this Regards Bryan