jeertmans / manim-slides

Tool for live presentations using manim
MIT License
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[FEATURE] Specify main screen and info window screen separately #388

Closed semikernel closed 3 months ago

semikernel commented 4 months ago

Describe the Issue

I noted that render has parameter that can specify the screen it shows on. The doc writes:

S, --screen Present content on the given screen (a.k.a. display).

However, after I tried in the terminal, my monitor window and presentation window both go to the other screen. As normal, we only want the presentation window to go to the other screen, instead of bring my monitor window with notes to show off to the big screen to the audience.

Affected Page

Issue Type

Documentation Enhancement

Recommended fix or suggestions

After I put

manim-slides present  --fullscreen --screen 2 Test

The main window(the window that will be shown to audience) go to the screen 2 and the monitor window(the window that has notes that will help me present) stiil keep in the screen 1.

jeertmans commented 4 months ago

Hello @semikernel, thank you for your suggestion! I agree that this is not very useful to put the info window on the same screen as the presentation. I changed a bit the CLI to fix this, see #389.

semikernel commented 4 months ago

Hello @semikernel, thank you for your suggestion! I agree that this is not very useful to put the info window on the same screen as the presentation. I changed a bit the CLI to fix this, see #389.

Hello there, I am new to Github, What should I do to use the seperate windows features?

And what should I input in the terminal to make seperate windows. Is it still

manim-slides present --screen 0 Test
jeertmans commented 4 months ago

Hello @semikernel, thank you for your suggestion! I agree that this is not very useful to put the info window on the same screen as the presentation. I changed a bit the CLI to fix this, see #389.

Hello there, I am new to Github, What should I do to use the seperate windows features?

And what should I input in the terminal to make seperate windows. Is it still

manim-slides present --screen 0 Test

Hello! If you installed Manim Slides with pip:

pip install -U git+

If with pipx, just change pip with pipx above. This will install Manim Slides from the specified branch so you don't have to do anything yourself :-)

To test it:

manim-slides present --screen 0 Test

This will put the presentation window on screen number 0. Depending on whether your terminal is on window screen 0, 1 (...), this will put the info window there.

To specify the info window screen:

manim-slides present --screen 0 --info-window-screen 1 Test
semikernel commented 4 months ago

Hello @semikernel, thank you for your suggestion! I agree that this is not very useful to put the info window on the same screen as the presentation. I changed a bit the CLI to fix this, see #389.

Hello there, I am new to Github, What should I do to use the seperate windows features?

And what should I input in the terminal to make seperate windows. Is it still

manim-slides present --screen 0 Test

Hello! If you installed Manim Slides with pip:

pip install -U git+

If with pipx, just change pip with pipx above. This will install Manim Slides from the specified branch so you don't have to do anything yourself :-)

To test it:

manim-slides present --screen 0 Test

This will put the presentation window on screen number 0. Depending on whether your terminal is on window screen 0, 1 (...), this will put the info window there.

To specify the info window screen:

manim-slides present --screen 0 --info-window-screen 1 Test

I used conda create -n manim_slides_e create a virtual package environment. And then use the

conda activate manim_slides_e
pip install -U git+

After that, I input:

manim-slides present --screen 0 --info-window-screen 1 Test

However. it shows that :

Error: No such option: --info-window-screen (Possible options: --full-screen, --hide-info-window)

So, Do I need to specify the python interpreter before these command :)

jeertmans commented 4 months ago

Are you sure to run the "new" Manim Slides installation and not another? Because the above command works as expected on my pc.

Maybe try:

python -m manim_slides present --screen 0 --info-window-screen 1 Test

where python should point to your virtual environment Python.