jeertmans / manim-slides

Tool for live presentations using manim
MIT License
408 stars 44 forks source link

No QtMultimedia backends found. Only QMediaDevices, QAudioDevice, QSoundEffect, QAudioSink, and QAudioSource are available. #446

Open 837852427 opened 3 weeks ago

837852427 commented 3 weeks ago

Please explain the issue you're experiencing (with as much detail as possible):

When I run manim-slides Main I just get this error message image And I got nothing but all black like below: image My pip list are below:

Package                 Version
----------------------- -----------
annotated-types         0.7.0
asttokens               2.4.1
av                      12.1.0
cairocffi               1.7.0
certifi                 2024.2.2
cffi                    1.16.0
charset-normalizer      3.3.2
click                   8.1.7
click-default-group     1.2.4
cloup                   2.1.2
colorama                0.4.6
colorful                0.5.6
colour                  0.1.5
commonmark              0.9.1
contourpy               1.2.1
cyaron                  0.5.0
cycler                  0.12.1
decorator               5.1.1
exceptiongroup          1.2.1
executing               2.0.1
fonttools               4.53.0
glcontext               2.5.0
idna                    3.6
ipython                 8.25.0
isosurfaces             0.1.0
jedi                    0.19.1
Jinja2                  3.1.4
kiwisolver              1.4.5
lxml                    5.2.2
manim                   0.18.0
manim_code_blocks_redux 1.0.14
manim-data-structures   0.1.7
manim-presentation      0.2.1
manim-slides            5.1.7
manim-studio            0.7.4
ManimPango              0.5.0
mapbox-earcut           1.0.1
markdown-it-py          3.0.0
MarkupSafe              2.1.5
matplotlib              3.9.0
matplotlib-inline       0.1.7
mdurl                   0.1.2
moderngl                5.10.0
moderngl-window         2.4.4
mpmath                  1.3.0
multipledispatch        1.0.0
networkx                3.2.1
numpy                   1.26.4
packaging               24.0
pangocairocffi          0.4.0
pangocffi               0.8.0
parso                   0.8.4
Pillow                  9.5.0
pip                     24.0
progressbar             2.5
prompt_toolkit          3.0.45
pure-eval               0.2.2
pycairo                 1.26.0
pycparser               2.22
pydantic                2.7.3
pydantic_core           2.18.4
pydantic-extra-types    2.8.0
pydub                   0.25.1
pyglet                  2.0.15
Pygments                2.18.0
PyOpenGL                3.1.7
pyparsing               3.1.2
pyperclip               1.8.2
PyQt6                   6.7.0
PyQt6-Qt6               6.7.1
PyQt6-sip               13.6.0
pyrr                    0.10.3
PySide6                 6.5.2
PySide6-Addons          6.5.2
PySide6-Essentials      6.5.2
python-dateutil         2.9.0.post0
python-pptx             0.6.23
PyYAML                  6.0.1
QtPy                    2.4.1
requests                2.31.0
rich                    13.7.1
rtoml                   0.10.0
scipy                   1.13.1
screeninfo              0.8.1
setuptools              69.5.1
shiboken6               6.5.2
six                     1.16.0
skia-pathops            0.7.4
srt                     3.5.3
stack-data              0.6.3
svgelements             1.9.6
sympy                   1.12.1
tokenize_all_code       1.0.18
tqdm                    4.66.4
traitlets               5.14.3
typing_extensions       4.12.2
urllib3                 2.2.1
validators              0.28.3
watchdog                3.0.0
wcwidth                 0.2.13
xeger                   0.4.0
XlsxWriter              3.2.0

Any comment is welcome, please help me.

jeertmans commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @837852427, thanks for reporting this issue! Can you please include your Python version?

Also, did you try uninstalling PyQt6 and installing PySide6==6.5.2 instead?

837852427 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @837852427, thanks for reporting this issue! Can you please include your Python version?

Also, did you try uninstalling PyQt6 and installing PySide6==6.5.2 instead?

Hello @837852427, thanks for reporting this issue! Can you please include your Python version?

Also, did you try uninstalling PyQt6 and installing PySide6==6.5.2 instead?

Below is my python version Python 3.10.9 (tags/v3.10.9:1dd9be6, Dec 6 2022, 20:01:21) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 And I just tried manim-slides==5.0.0 and PySide6==6.5.2 it worked! Though it doesnt have the next slide info window but it satisfies my request now.

jeertmans commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @837852427, thanks for reporting this issue! Can you please include your Python version? Also, did you try uninstalling PyQt6 and installing PySide6==6.5.2 instead?

Hello @837852427, thanks for reporting this issue! Can you please include your Python version? Also, did you try uninstalling PyQt6 and installing PySide6==6.5.2 instead?

Below is my python version Python 3.10.9 (tags/v3.10.9:1dd9be6, Dec 6 2022, 20:01:21) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 And I just tried manim-slides==5.0.0 and PySide6==6.5.2 it worked! Though it doesnt have the next slide info window but it satisfies my request now.

I'm happy that fixed your problem! I'll keep this open because I have to investigate why PyQt6 stops working.