It looks like the current documentation is hosted by netlify through manual deployment, last updated circa 2021?
It should be pretty straightforward to add automatic deployment to our CI, using the netlify deploy github action. Alternate options would be to shift (back) to readthedocs or deploy via github pages. Using the current netlify solution seems easiest, though. :+1:
It looks like the current documentation is hosted by netlify through manual deployment, last updated circa 2021?
It should be pretty straightforward to add automatic deployment to our CI, using the netlify deploy github action. Alternate options would be to shift (back) to readthedocs or deploy via github pages. Using the current netlify solution seems easiest, though. :+1:
In order to configure deployment to netlify, we will need an access token, which can be generated at
@jeetsukumaran could you generate an access token and share it with me in a PM via