jeetsukumaran / obsidian-bearings

An Obsidian plugin providing dynamically scoped tree views of multidimensional semantic and logcal archictectures of your vault.
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Automatically add parent frontmatter in child focal note #3

Open amatya-aditya opened 3 months ago

amatya-aditya commented 3 months ago

In order to automate things and use the bearings to its full power, I think it would be great if it could silently add parent relationships in frontmatter child note at the same time when we add entry-children in parent in the note.

jeetsukumaran commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion. This would indeed be a good feature, but only optionally I think. Some contexts and even policies do not allow or discourage the complementary relationship. On operational note, even if the bidirectional linking makes sense, not that there is a hidden long-term maintenance cost to the redundancy: it makes things like splitting a node up into subnodes quite a bit more work as you have to update lots of links in both ways. Note that this redundancy is not necessary to track the flow through the graph: implicit reflected complementary relationships should be picked up automatically. But I think adding a button to "create 2-way relationship" would be useful.

amatya-aditya commented 3 months ago

Making it optional would be effective since various digital note-takers have distinct methods of linking their notes. For me, it would be beneficial as I primarily take academic notes, starting with a parent research note that branches out into various child notes. While a templater could be used for automation, I would favor a native button within the bearing itself for the greater good. I am looking forward to this feature. Thank you for your consideration.

jeetsukumaran commented 3 months ago

I am curious, however, as to what purpose the redundancy in the bidirectional linking serves? I too have subsystems of research notes in parent/child relationships, and one the reasons to adopt a treeview that "sees" the complementary relationship implicitly was to avoid the overhead of the bidirectional linking, both for its fragility (higher probability of broken links) and its tedium.