jefelewis / react-native-ultimate-modal-picker

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react native android DropdownList onChange not working #16

Open leegilhak opened 3 years ago

leegilhak commented 3 years ago

My Code

            defaultValue={'반려동물을 선택해주세요.'}
            onChange={(item: string) => {
              const targetItem = items.find(petItem => petItem.value === item);

              dispatch({type: 'ANIMALINSERT', animal_type: item});
                type: 'ANIMALIDINSERT',
                animal_type_id: targetItem.key,
              cancelTextLight: {
                fontSize: 15,
                fontWeight: '500',
                color: '#FF5924',
              cancelTextDark: {
                fontSize: 15,
                fontWeight: '500',
                color: '#FF5924',

onChange android not working

else if (react_native_1.Platform.OS === 'android') {

            return (jsx_runtime_1.jsxs(react_native_1.View, Object.assign({ style: renderContainerStyle() }, { children: [jsx_runtime_1.jsx(react_native_1.View, Object.assign({ style: styles.labelContainer }, { children: jsx_runtime_1.jsx(react_native_1.Text, Object.assign({ style: renderLabelTextStyle() }, { children: props.title }), void 0) }), void 0),
                    jsx_runtime_1.jsx(picker_1.Picker, Object.assign({ mode: "dropdown", selectedValue: value, style: { height: 60, width: width - 16 },

 onValueChange: (value) => setValue(value) },

 { children:, i) => {
                            return (jsx_runtime_1.jsx(picker_1.Picker.Item, { label: item.label, value: item.value, color: renderPickerItemStyle() }, i));
                        }) }), void 0)] }), void 0));

In the above code, 'setValue' is 'OnValueChange: (Value) => setValue(Value)}', so onChange does not work in the props. It should be modified to 'selectValue'.

dchdimitrov commented 3 years ago
