jeff-hykin / better-shell-syntax

💾 📦 ♻️ An improvement to the shell syntax for VS Code
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Heredocs and tabs #50

Closed jeff-hykin closed 2 months ago

jeff-hykin commented 1 year ago

More of a reminder to myself: there's potential issues with cat <<-HEREDOC *tab* | blah blah blah

akpircher commented 1 year ago

I was thinking about making a second issue, for this. It'd be nice for HEREDOC to be pink again.

The frequent bit of code that I use that has lost its color is this:

eval "$(
    cat <<-HEREDOC |
        blah blah blah
        git rev-parse --parseopt --stuck-long -- "$@" ||
        echo exit $?
jeff-hykin commented 1 year ago

@akpircher So you should already be able to color them whatever you want them to be

punctuation.definition.string.heredoc is the TM scope, and here's a tutorial on how to color a TM scope with whatever color you want:

To get the colors for your current color theme, you can go Help->toggle developer tools, then use inspect element, click on the text that is that pink color, and look at the CSS properties to find the exact color.

akpircher commented 1 year ago

I actually already do some customization in my user settings, I just wasn't sure if the intention of the new grammar was for HEREDOC's color was to be detected by the keyword.control scope, or if it's supposed to be its own scope for alternative colorization. (Or whether VSCode should update it's theme for HEREDOC colorization)

jeff-hykin commented 1 year ago

I actually already do some customization in my user settings


I don't know what the old syntax tagged them as, but keyword.control is intended for control flow (if, then, while, case, do, etc) so yeah, heredocs won't be tagged with keyword.control moving forwards. They're tagged similarly to quotes around a string.

RedCMD commented 1 year ago

keyword.control is intended for control flow (if, then, while, case, do, etc)

@jeff-hykin what do you reference when deciding what scope name to give to a specfic token? is there a doc you use or do you just memorize a bunch of standards you have?

if you've seen my extension, you'll see I've applied scope names based (mostly) on their colour in vscode rather than their definition ;}

jeff-hykin commented 1 year ago

I've spent so much time thinking about what to name things. Usually I follow the basic naming guidelines from Textmate, when things fall outside of that I try to look at other languages with similar concepts, and then in the worst case I add a preexisting scope that is blatantly wrong, but then include another scope right after that is rarely used; meaning by default it will have some highlighting, and then have a more specific scope for someone trying to override it.

My goal that isn't ever going happen but would be to have a common set of standard scopes that are all prefixed with std. for cross-language highlighting and then have a prefix of custom. for any scopes that were language specific.

jeff-hykin commented 2 months ago

Alright tabs issue should be solved