jeff1evesque / LeQue

Activate installed microphone, and analyze sound input
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Bash: Git Submodule Local Ignore #386

Closed jeff1evesque closed 9 years ago

jeff1evesque commented 9 years ago

Our log_bash_loader script indicates that we were not able to ignore git files:

+ for file in '"${haystack[@]}"'
+ ././audio/converter_wav_text
+ ././build/grunt
+ ././git/local_ignore_rules
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
././git/local_ignore_rules: line 17: .git/info/exclude: Not a directory
././git/local_ignore_rules: line 17: .git/info/exclude: Not a directory
././git/local_ignore_rules: line 17: .git/info/exclude: Not a directory
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
^[[4mRunning "sass:dist" (sass) task^[[24m
File ../assets/css/main.min.css created.

^[[4mRunning "watch" task^[[24m
jeff1evesque commented 9 years ago

The local_ignore_rules bash script was an interesting piece of logic that we had working correctly. However, we can implement syntax as follows within .gitmodules instead:

[submodule "mySubmodule"]
    path = path/to/mySubmodule.git
    url = git://
    ignore = dirty
jeff1evesque commented 9 years ago

We forgot to remove the git/ subdirectory from the haystack variable in the bash_loader script.