jeff1evesque / LeQue

Activate installed microphone, and analyze sound input
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Documentation: Adjust Overview Subsection #408

Open jeff1evesque opened 9 years ago

jeff1evesque commented 9 years ago

After the whisper repository has been added as a submodule, we need to adjust the Overview subsection by changing the following to reflect the implementation of streaming audio (with flash as a fallback):

This project utilizes Flash within the web-browser in order to access the users microphone. When a recording is saved, it is reconfigured to a 16 bit, 16 kHz, mono if it has a different format. This reconfigured wav file, is then converted to text using PocketSphinx, which allows our Python scripts to parse the converted text into executable commands. This Bash Automation occurs automatically, and triggered when an audio file is saved either through the web-application, or by manually saving a wav file into the recording/ subdirectory.